
I am a Software Director/Developer and Solutions Expert. I thrive on finding elegant ways to solve complex problems. Beyond technology, I enjoy watching sports, driving cars, researching crypto/blockchain and spending time with my family.

Portland, Oregon
Experience Levels
Spring Boot / Java
Node.js / TypeScript / Vue.JS
Relational Databases
NoSQL Databases
Cloud Platforms
Software Director / Team Builder
Architecture / Application Design
GitHub / Git
Work Experience

January 2022 - Present

Circle - USDC
Staff Software Engineer

Championing USDC as a payment platform, building a frictionless global payment system running on open source decentralized blockchains.

  • Architected, planned, executed and led teams involving multiple multi-stakeholder projects from requirements to production

March 2019 - December 2021

Aspen Capital - Fintech
Staff Software Engineer

As a lead on many critical business projects, I deliver an idea to production utilizing best practices. A deep culmination of software experience, pragmatic decisions and a long track record lends significant velocity to the business.

  • Refactored processes saving 50k / month in cloud spend
  • Built an IVR serverless payments application
  • Wrote new applications that saved the business 100's of hours of manual work
  • Key stakeholder, traveling to career fairs, hiring and mentoring

November 2017 - March 2019

ImageWare Systems - Biometrics
Senior Software Engineer

After Bonzi, I wanted to focus on my passion for writing code, and being interested in biometrics led me to ImageWare. Seeing an opportunity as a catalyst for change, I pushed boundaries and helped ImageWare explore Kubernetes, AWS, Spring Boot and containerization.

  • Created IotDna (Patent Pending), an IoT api enabling anonymous devices to be "biometrically" validated before joining the network
  • Created a comprehensive SPA in Vue.JS that supported their SaaS platform
  • Migrated server based Spring Boot services to K8, and upgrading them to Spring Boot 2.0

2002 - 2017

Bonzi Technology - Sports SaaS
Director of Software Engineering

Fortunate to help develop, support and manage a platform that served five million active users and thousands of organizations. A true startup grit was developed at Bonzi, we solved hard problems, ran lean, and kept tight schedules. During the journey from a startup to a medium size business, I became an expert at the complete stack. I gained deep expertise in: hardware and server management, writing software for a comprehensive SaaS product, architecture design, performance monitoring and tuning, project management and customer service techniques. The experience taught me the meaning of ownership and how to thrive in technology.

  • Promoted to Director of Software Engineering:
    • Adopted and facilitated the Agile process
    • Hired, mentored and led a team of up to 15 developers
    • Made technology decisions, project plans and worked closely with our product team delivering many large scale efforts
  • Architected and supported production Colocation infrastructure maintaining 99.9% uptime for 10+ years
  • Migrate Oracle to Postgres:
    • Wrote software that transformed data types and Oracle specific technology to Postgres
    • Updated application code to work with new database engine
  • Supported Oracle databases spanning 8i - 12c:
    • Continually evolved database schema and application code to support our changing business needs
    • Dramatically reduced complexity and redundant artifacts by combining duplicated databases, schemas, triggers, stored procedures and tables
  • Wrote software in PHP:
    • Created a dynamic report builder
    • Created a highly customizable group email system
    • Created a sophisticated devops SPA that managed the dns, site creation and database refreshes
    • Wrote software interacting with many third party apis: background checks, payment processors and Salesforce.com
  • We built:
    • Bonzi Club: A full featured, sports management SaaS platform
    • Bonzi Team: A social media sports platform
    • Bonzi Association: A highly intergrated set of tools to manage 10's of thousands of sports organizations at once
    • Bonzi Scheduler, a highly capable, fast game scheduler
    • Multiple payment solutions processing $100's of millions of dollars per year


2009 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor of Computer Science

Oregon State University

Learned a little about Software Engineering and a lot about life.